A coalition of Slovak businesses, employing over 9,100 people, has issued a stark warning to the government, accusing it of undermining economic stability, the rule of law, and Slovakia’s position in the EU and NATO. In an open letter, they condemn recent legal and policy shifts—including a controversial amendment to the Criminal Code that could weaken protections against economic crime—and warn that unpredictable governance, fiscal instability, and growing anti-Western rhetoric are driving away investment and eroding competitiveness.
The signatories stress that Slovakia’s prosperity depends on a strong legal framework, a stable business environment, and alignment with European and transatlantic partners. They urge the government to reverse course, prioritise reforms in education and innovation, and restore investor confidence before the country slides into stagnation and economic decline.
Business Leaders Express Concern Over Policy Shifts
A group of Slovak businesses, representing over 9,100 jobs, has publicly denounced recent government actions, warning of economic and reputational risks for Slovakia. Their open letter criticises legal and policy changes that, in their view, weaken the business climate, deter investment, and threaten Slovakia’s standing within the European Union (EU) and NATO.
Among the key concerns is the government’s amendment to the Criminal Code, which they argue could facilitate economic crime. The signatories also highlight a broader pattern of unpredictable policymaking, weakening of the rule of law, and fiscal instability. They claim these factors collectively discourage investment, slow economic growth, and erode Slovakia’s already low competitiveness within the EU.
Warnings Against EU and NATO Scepticism
The letter strongly opposes any political rhetoric questioning Slovakia’s membership in the EU and NATO, warning that such statements undermine investor confidence and economic security. According to the signatories, a stable and predictable legal and economic environment is essential for attracting investment, fostering innovation, and ensuring long-term economic prosperity.
Beyond legal and financial concerns, the letter stresses the importance of education, culture, and civic engagement in maintaining a healthy business climate. The signatories argue that a well-educated workforce, strong institutions, and an innovative economy require a stable and predictable policy environment—one they claim is being eroded by the government’s recent actions.
A Call for Stability and Reform
The business leaders call on the government to halt policies that contribute to instability and instead focus on long-term economic reforms, particularly in education and business development. Without such reforms, they warn, Slovakia risks stagnation, talent outflow, and a decline in living standards.
This rare public intervention by the business community signals growing alarm over Slovakia’s direction under its current leadership. As the country faces increasing scrutiny over its democratic trajectory, the business sector’s concerns add pressure on the government to address issues related to governance, transparency, and economic strategy.
The Slovak Media Monitor publishes an English translation of the open letter from Slovak business representatives.
Dear Government of the Slovak Republic,
We, the representatives of businesses and the entrepreneurial sector, express deep concern about the direction Slovakia is taking under your leadership.
A series of recent actions – from the amendment to the Criminal Code, which may facilitate economic crime, to the questioning of Slovakia’s pro-Western alignment and the incitement of tensions and conflicts with our neighbours – threatens the trust of citizens, investors, and entrepreneurs.
Instead of addressing fundamental issues such as economic stability, competitiveness, and brain drain, we are witnessing unpredictable legal changes, the weakening of the rule of law, and instability in public finances. These factors hinder investment, endanger economic growth, and further deteriorate Slovakia’s position within the EU, where we are already at the bottom of the competitiveness rankings.
A stable business environment that can attract future investments requires a predictable economic policy, low levels of corruption, functional institutions, and trust in the rule of law.
Any questioning of Slovakia’s membership in the EU and NATO increases the risk of foreign investment outflows and weakens the country’s economic stability.
A strong and prosperous economy, however, does not arise solely from legislation and tax policy. It requires an educated and cultured society, functional institutions, a dynamic innovation environment, and, above all, stable conditions that motivate entrepreneurs to invest and develop Slovakia. Culture, education, and a functional civil society play a key role in creating values, strengthening cohesion, and fostering talent.
Slovakia needs reforms in the economy and education that will ensure a skilled workforce, stability, and long-term growth. Without them, we face stagnation, talent outflow, and a decline in living standards.
We urge you to stop taking steps that weaken Slovakia’s stability and instead focus on real solutions that will strengthen the business environment, innovation, and the long-term prosperity of our country.
With respect,
The signatories of FIRMY SPOLU
Representatives of businesses that collectively provide more than 9,100 jobs across our country. They care about Slovakia’s prosperity and the well-being of its citizens.
1. 232A, s.r.o.
2. 26HOUSE
3. 3via, s.r.o.
4. A & R s.r.o.
5. A-Auto, s.r.o.
6. ableneo
7. Accelerateonline s.r.o.
8. Adaja spol. s.r.o.
9. ADDSEN, s.r.o.
10. Aditbe s.r.o.
11. AID, s.r.o.
13. ALUPLAST s.r.o.
14. ANECT a.s.
15. Areté Gym s.r.o.
16. Artforum
17. Aston ITM, s.r.o.
18. atheo s.r.o.
19. Baco s.r.o.
20. Barney Studio, s.r.o.
21. Basta digital s.r.o.
22. BEETLE s.r.o.
23. Benjamin Button s.r.o.
24. Birdwingo
25. BiznisWeb s.r.o.
26. Blend Productions IM, s.r.o.
27. BRACKETS by TRIAD s.r.o.
28. buckle up, s.r.o.
29. Büro Milk
30. Business Intelligence Partners s.r.o.
31. Cestovná kancelária DAKA, s.r.o.
32. CMT
33. Compsoft s.r.o.
34. CREATIVE PRO group
35. Creative Pro, a.s.
36. Creative Pro (Ke) s.r.o.
37. Curaden Slovakia s.r.o.
38. D.N.A., s.r.o.
39. D.Orys
40. Daniel Tomcala
41. DASE, s.r.o.
42. DATACON a.s.
43. Deal Factory
44. CloseRocket
45. Dedoles
46. DETAIL Service spol. s r.o.
47. Dexfinity
48. Dog Moments Art s.r.o.
49. DuP, s.r.o.
50. ecolandia.sk s.r.o.
51. Eldison, advokátska kancelária, s.r.o.
52. ElektroAntoš s.r.o.
54. ENVIS, s.r.o.
55. EUROCOC, s.r.o.
56. EUSPEDIT s.r.o.
57. Expresta s.r.o.
58. Feel Free Factory s.r.o.
59. Finlinea s.r.o.
60. FLORIL, s.r.o.
61. Flow Animation s.r.o.
62. Fox Valley s.r.o.
63. freevision s.r.o.
64. Galaxi spol. s r.o.
65. Goldmann Systems, a.s.
66. Grow online, s.r.o.
67. GrownApps s.r.o.
68. GrowthPro s.r.o.
69. GymBeam, s.r.o.
70. hmmm s.r.o.
72. Ht Solution s.r.o.
74. IBL Software
75. inaqo s.r.o.
76. Inkat s.r.o.
77. Innovatrics s.r.o.
78. ISSO s.r.o.
79. Jakub Muron
80. JUDr. Radoslav Šály advokát, s.r.o.
82. Juraj Lörinc – Lorincweb.sk
83. Karpatské gazdinky, s.r.o.
84. Kickresume
85. Kreatív gang s.r.o.
86. Krivak & Co, s.r.o.
87. ksebe s.r.o.
88. Lab.cafe s.r.o.
89. Labyrinth Labs s.r.o.
90. Laurenčík, s.r.o.
91. Leiter Advertising
92. Liberio, s.r.o.
93. ľúbivé s.r.o.
94. Ľuboš Kováč – WKP
95. Majerník & Miháliková, s.r.o.
96. MAKERS s.r.o.
97. Martin Kolenič – Jazykové služby Traduco
98. Martin Šrank
99. Martinus, s.r.o.
100. Maxman Consultants
101. MD-Bavaria Žilina, s.r.o.
102. meetnlearn s.r.o.
104. Midfield Studio
105. Miki Plichta s.r.o.
106. Miroslav Janík – PrimeLine
107. mkn s.r.o.
108. MM safety s.r.o.
109. Môj Dodávateľ s.r.o.
110. MTS, spol. s r.o.
111. NAY a.s.
112. Nexhalo
113. NICE GUY s.r.o.
114. NIIC s.r.o.
116. NosKin s.r.o.
118. Orechini s.r.o.
119. ORIGINAL TRADE s.r.o.
120. Panta Rhei
121. Passion4experience, s.r.o.
122. Payout a.s.
123. Peelo
124. Pelicantravel.com and other companies in the group
125. Pelikan agency spol. s.r.o.
126. Pi^si sapiens s.r.o.
127. Pixel Federation
128. plexcore s.r.o.
129. PLUS Advisory s.r.o.
130. PRESS YOU, s.r.o.
131. Pretlak s.r.o.
132. Principle Guy s.r.o.
133. ProfiDeCon s.r.o.
134. Promiseo s.r.o.
135. PSW, a.s.
136. QEX a.s.
137. RAK spol. s r.o.
138. Rezztek
139. rimedo s.r.o.
140. Róbert Slovák a jeho priatelia, s.r.o.
141. Roberts & Boyd, s.r.o.
142. Roman Hanuliak
143. Royal Companies s.r.o.
144. SCR technologies s.r.o.
145. SEAK s.r.o.
146. Sensoneo
147. SHARKANI s.r.o.
148. Shoptet s.r.o.
149. SLÁVIK & STELL, s.r.o.
150. Slovensko.Digital
151. Snowball Communications, s.r.o.
152. snowit s.r.o.
153. SoftPoint
154. Sparring
155. Spokojná v práci s.r.o.
156. Sportwell Rehab s.r.o.
157. SuperFaktúra
158. Swiss Coffee s.r.o.
159. Synap, s.r.o.
160. TALK, s.r.o.
161. Tatra Commerce, spol. s r.o.
162. Telcos s.r.o.
163. TITANS freelancers, s.r.o.
164. transformio, s.r.o.
165. Translata, spol. s r.o.
166. TRIAD s.r.o.
167. United Apparels s.r.o.
168. Vacuum Group
169. vacuumlabs, s.r.o.
170. Vivos limax, s.r.o.
171. VK atelier s.r.o.
172. Voxwise
173. Vychodil architects, s.r.o.
174. Zuzana Mišinová
175. ZWIZU, spol. s r.o.
176. Žurnál s.r.o.
Source: Firmy Spolu